Saturday, 14 April 2012

Windows Tools

got myself some free tools to use

Folder size,

Clean temp folder,

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

JRuby Platform detection

p/s: This is by no means my work, i take no credit, however this post serves as memory bank as i am a goldfish.I thank the owner for sharing on the web.

useful excerpt for my case:
2. Platform detection. I've seen this question lots of times. Since in JRuby, RUBY_PLATFORM constant is always "java",  users are unclear how to detect the underlying platform. It is pretty straghtforward with rbconfig module, JRuby fully supports it:
   require 'rbconfig'
   Config::CONFIG['host_os'] # returns mswin32
 on Windows, for example

There is plenty of additional info in Config::CONFIG, just print it out to see.
